Money Trauma

Heal Old Money Wounds And Empower Yourself To Find Freedom

Financial Struggles Don’t Have To Steal Your Happiness

Money trauma is real.

You might be experiencing money trauma.

Maybe you had a business that failed, lost a job or experienced a decline in income, suffered abuse in your relationship, got a divorce, lost your home or were evicted, or had a serious illness.

All of these tough situations can lead to losing confidence in yourself and your ability to spend, save and earn the money you desire.

At this point you more than likely have recovered with a new position, new home and even a new relationship.

But you still notice that your money behaviors don’t reflect who you are now.

You may still find yourself ignoring bills, creditor phone calls, delaying important financial decisions or shying away from saving and investing.

Or maybe…you hoard things “in preparation” for a future emergency. And you avoid doing the self-care things that you desire out of fear of losing the money you have or making a mistake in your spending.

What makes it worse is that getting that promotion or raise, inheriting money, or making huge gains in your business hasn’t been the answer. Often with the increase, another financial issue would occur. I call that the wobble vibration.

Somehow you will still find it hard to find the positive vibes when you spend on yourself. Perhaps, you give away your money even when it doesn’t feel good or pushes against one of your boundaries.

You’ve come a long way and really want to feel safe, and confident in your ability to spend, save and invest for yourself and your future.

Your journey is familiar to me

I know what it’s like to lose something you love, to experience your entire life flipping upside down as you try to figure out who you’re supposed to be now.

Going through cancer and a divorce at the same time was a serious wake-up call. Life was saying, “It’s time to heal old wounds and reach for new dreams.”

But it was only when I decided that I had to work on myself as a whole (rather than in separate pieces) that I started to experience a shift.

During that time, I discovered that healing had to involve my finances.

I started by rebuilding my financial foundation, asking for more in my business, and for the support I needed at home. This opened up the possibility to recover my entire life!

I found money alignment.

When it comes to spending and making financial decisions, having money alignment will allow you to have……

  • less worry
  • more control
  • freedom and flexibility

I’ve worked with many clients who have experienced the same freedom and found healing in how they deal with money.

“I am so appreciative for the time spent with Melisa  in our VIP Rich and Worthy lifestyle session! It was so eye opening and empowering as she guided me through a maze of thoughts and questions to a place of clarity and abundance! Thank you for so much confirmation and clarity! I know myself better and understand better “why I do or don’t do what I do!” I am preparing to live the lifestyle of my dreams and leave a legacy for generations to come! I feel more confident in making money decisions and calling in what I desire.   I’m truly grateful to Abba Father for Melisa’s gifts and love!”

-Faye E.

This freedom is possible for you, too!

We invite you to apply for the VIP Money Breakthrough Intensive.

When you work through your money trauma you will begin to…

  • understand your money mindset patterns
  • recognize how your beliefs and habits are controlling certain narratives in your relationship and preventing generational wealth and growth
  • expand your desires for more
  • create a plan to raise your income status
  • feel safe having and growing your money
  • feel confident making more money
  • feel comfortable asking for more in work negotiations and in business.

 Ready to feel more aligned with your money and confident in your ability to grow

and keep it?

Reach out to us today


Schedule a video visit today.

Have some questions first? You can always reach out hereor email us directly at [email protected]

                                                            Georgia Location                                                                  

                                     1343 Terrell Mill Road, Suite 228                                          
                                                       Marietta, GA 30067