Boosting Intimacy During Quarantine – A Guide For Couples Searching for Their Spark

If you’re reading this in your pajamas while quietly seething about the fact your partner has barely noticed you today, you’re in company. Or perhaps you’re here because you know you’re not offering the same affection and level of intimacy you usually would to your partner right now.

Quarantine, lockdown, and virus control. None of these words are particularly sexy nor do they spark much excitement in the bedroom. However, this is the scenario we are living in right now. With the arrival of the pandemic, sexual connection has become a challenge for many of us.

So—how do we level up our levels of intimacy while quarantining as a couple?

Here are the 5 bedroom boosters you need to know about:

  1. Listen to each others needs.  Disconnect happens when communication is not an ongoing priority. Assuming how each other feels could be causing you both unnecessary discomfort also. This is a stressful time for both of you. Create opportunities to talk about how you feel without judgement or limit.
  2. Dress up for evening dinner. Everyday is comfortable clothing day in the current situation. This is fine when you have chores to do and work to get done. But when it comes to the evening, make an effort with your appearance to show each other you care and to ignite some fresh excitement between you.
  3. Get playful together. There has never been a better time to explore your sexual fantasies or to try a new way of doing things. Order interesting toys online, watch sexy movies together, or do whatever else you feel comfortable trying within the safe space of your home environment. You might discover pleasure you never knew was possible.
  4. Hire a telehealth therapist or coach.  If you’re struggling to find common ground, a dedicated expert could work wonders for your confidence levels together. Hire a coach or therapist specially trained to understand your specific needs and work with them online to achieve your goals.
  5. De-tech to reconnect.  One of the biggest killers to our love lives? Our smart-phones. No one feels good when they realize their partner is more into their newsfeed than them. Remove temptation by placing all technology into a ‘no-go’ basket for a few hours to tune back into each other’s wavelength.

When the future is so uncertain it can feel overwhelming. We don’t yet know what 2021 will look like in a global sense. But what we do have control over, is the amount of courage and incredible black love we put into our relationships today and in the future.

You can’t solve the world’s problems but you can offer generous love and care to the person going through it all with you. Offer your partner room for healing from the stress and anxiety of the situation. Who knows, you may come out of this even stronger than you went in!

To your happiness,

Latasha Billinglea

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